Meet the crew

Our boatcare team at Portland Marina



Boat Care Manager

Lee’s job is to get the yard shipshape and Bristol fashion and running like a clipper ship in a blow. Appropriate given his area of expertise is traditional boat building and he has built and restored several wooden boats.

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Jack D

Boat Yard Supervisor

Always smiling and often dancing, Jack can be found keeping a close eye on your boat in the yard and manning the hoist. He’s in charge of Christmas and his goal is to get the team to a karaoke bar, a feat he has not yet achieved!

Most likely to say: "Lovin' life!"

Favourite to get afloat... paddle boarding

Loves... Singing in the shower, football (he's a striker for the local team), beer!

Pet hates... Chalk, wearing trousers to work!

Would love to explore... Australia

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Dan & Jude

Boatcare Sales Coordinator and Boatcare Administrator

Standing by to book your boat in for some boatcare love or time in the yard are the dynamic duo, Dan and Jude.

Dan's previous life playing bass and coordinating his band touring around Europe has prepared him well for life in the boatcare office. Precision organisation is the name of his game and an ability to do one thing with one hand whilst the other is doing something totally different, all served up with a friendly smile and a healthy sense of humour!

Ably assisting  Dan at keeping the boatcare team on course is Jude. A lover of almost any kind of music makes him Dan's perfect side-kick, just don't ask either of them what their favourite band is, or you might be there for a while! A fan of four wheels, but not the the motorised kind, you may also see Jude zooming around on his skateboard.




Boatcare Operative

Mick's the man if you want the underside of your boat to be smoother than a baby's bottom; he's a Copper Coat master, but also turns his hand to filling , fairing, fixing and, er, painting! When he's not in Unit 23, you'll find him bobbing about on his boat with a fishing rod in hand instead.


Tom A

Boatcare Engineer

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